Sunday, May 19, 2013

10k AIDS Walk…in the rain

AIDS Walk New York

Priya and me

Me with some beauty contestant winners

Priya had to borrow my umbrella because she didn't bring one or a coat...hence I got soaked!


AIDS Walk opening ceremony

Someone from Glee

Someone from Ugly Betty 

Someone from The Good Wife

Someone from Wicket

Martha Wash from The Weather Girls (no she didn't sing the song)

It kind of felt like a protest march!

Sunday Lunch at Jones Wood Foundry British restaurant

View of the World Trade Center in the rain...i.e. you couldn't see anything

In Search of the 700lb Beast...Part 2

Fishing trip off Brooklyn with work colleagues

Our boat, the Capt Dave II

Work colleagues Rich, Justin, Ashley and Zubin


Janet testing the bait!

Cornbread and sausage muffins made by Ashley

Under the JFK flightpath

Janet, Ashley and Neel

Danny with the first catch of the day

Zubin with his fish - the only one we caught that was big enough for us to take home

Me after the only fish that I caught fell off the line and escaped through a gap in the railing before I could take a photo of it :S

Team photo (from left - Zubin, Justin, Rich, Ashley, Danny, Janet, Judy, Ashley, Neel, me)

Zubin preparing the fish at Neel's apartment

Barbecue at Neel's