Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Big Trip - Day 2 - Hilton Head Island and Charleston

My car - a Toyota Yaris

Burkes Beach on Hilton Head Island (Robert's favourite beach on the island)

Disney Resort on Hilton Head Island

Having a walk around the resort

The Marsh

(I didn't see Shadow - she was apparently sleeping somewhere)

Neptune sundial

Coligny Plaza (shops)

Downtown Charleston - the French Quarter

On the waterfront

Taking the ferry to Fort Sumpter

USS Yorktown (decommissioned)

A dolphin in the harbour (there were a few)

Charleston from the harbour

Fort Sumpter - where the first shots of the Civil War were fired

Looking around the fort

Battery Isaac Huger (black building) built in the middle of the fort during the Spanish-American war

Heading back to Charleston

Charleston City Market and vicinity

Charleston - known as the 'Holy City' (due to all the churches)

Historic buildings downtown

Charleston Cathedral

Rainbow Row

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