Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Big Trip - Day 22 - San Francisco (Part 2)

View downhill!

The Transamerica Pyramid

View uphill!

The cable cars

Cable Car Museum

This chimney used to be taller, but it was damaged in the 1906 earthquake

Grace Cathedral

Lombard Street

Ghirardelli Square

Going for a ride on the cable car (I had to hang on and stand on the running board!)

Old flatiron building

Ferry terminal building

Pier 39

The Alcatraz Gift Shop

Each stair was a different piano note


Pier 39 sea lions

Heading out to Alcatraz

Wind turbines on the boat

Views out on the bay

Arriving at Alcatraz

Remnant of the Native American sit-in

In the cellblock

Solitary Confinement

The library

The Governor's House (burned down in the 1970s)

The city by night

The control centre

A fake head - as used in the infamous Escape from Alcatraz

The hospital (only open in the evenings)

Cell door demonstration

The kitchen

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