Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Big Trip - Day 26 - Kauai (Part 2)

A tour of the island with Safari Helictopers

Beautiful mountain scenery

The waterfall from Jurassic Park

Waimea Canyon again (but this time from the air)

The overlook where I was yesterday

The Napoli Coast

Beaches on the North Shore

Waialeale Crater

The next tour taking off

Kilauea Lighthouse at Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge

Driving around to the North Shore

Hanalei Bay

Lumahai Beach (almost deserted!)

The start of the Kalalau Trail to the Napoli Coast (the only access in)

Ke'e Beach (at the end of the road - the Napoli coast is inaccessible by road)

There ware thousands of wild chickens everywhere on Kauai and very unfortunately, one of these chicks met an untimely end two minutes after this photo was taken by running under the car as I was reversing out of a parking space (I felt very bad about it) :(

Wai'oli Hui'ia Church in Hanalei


My hostel in Kapaa

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