Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Big Trip - Day 25 - Kauai (Part 1)

Leaving Oahu and flying to Kauai

Arriving in Kauai

My rental car

Views of the ocean

Driving up to Waimea Canyon

Waimea Canyon - the 'Grand Canyon of the Pacific'

Poipu Beach

A green sea turtle on Poipu Beach

Kauai Plantation Railway

On a train tour of the plantation


Baby donkey!

Texas Longhorn bull

Lots of pigs (the train stopped alongside their enclosure and we fed them)!

Smith's Fern Grotto Boat Tour

Fern Grotto

Hula dancing

This house was featured in the John Wayne film 'Donovan's Reef'

At the Smith Family Garden Luau at Smith's Tropical Paradise

This peahen seemed extremely uninterested

The imu pit (with a roasting pig inside)

Unearthing the pig

All-you-can-eat buffet

The Rhythm of Aloha show (dances from all over the Pacific)

Hula dancing

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